La Settimana Santa


The Holy Week rituals in Alghero (Setmana Santa de l'Alguer) are among the most striking in Sardinia and are characterised by a strong Catalan influence. Easter traditions date back to the XVI century and are still organised by the old Confraternita della Misericordia. The Good Friday procession, this year on March 30th, is heartfelt by young and old when hundreds of people walk in the streets of Alghero carrying candles and praying.

You're still in time - direct flights available with Ryan Air from Eindhoven, Memmingen, Frankfurt Hahn, Brussels Charleroi, Stansted and more....

Take advantage - spring is in the air!

And for anyone interested in regenerating over Easter - an interesting osteopathy-yoga retreat in Bosa with Argentina born yoga instructor Karina Arenas Bonansea and Jordi Mosoll Allue from Barcelona. Find out more...

Carneval time in Sardinia


Fascinating ancient traditions can be witnessed first hand during the carneval festivities that awaken the small towns in Sardinia from their winter slumber.

The celebrations of Bosa's "Karrasegare Osinku" next weekend are amongst the wildest, most exuberant, and most pagan you’ll ever see. The people from Bosa open their cellars and the local malvasia flows by the liter.

On Sunday 11th February and Tuesday 13th February we've got the annual Sa Sartiglia’ in Oristano the most spectacular and choreographed Carnival in Sardinia. It's an impressive  equestrian game with ancient origins in which brave horsemen compete with one another in a tournament to select the figure of Su Componidori, the horseman that wearing a mask of a mysterious God will pierce the star.